Apache Log Visualization Made Easy | Elasticsearch and the ELK Stack
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In this video, @KeepItTechie explains how to visualize Apache logs using the Elastic Stack on Ubuntu.
0:00 Introduction
0:20 Elastic Stack Overview
0:38 Create a Linode
2:27 Run update and upgrade
4:04 Install Java
4:50 Install Elastic Search
6:46 Specify JVM Heap Size
8:05 Enable Elastic Seach
9:27 Install logstash & kibana
10:27 Create a Template JSON File
12:25 Config File Changes
13:26 Create Apache Config File
14:40 Start logstash and Kibana
15:30 Generate Log Info
16:34 Connect to the Server
18:18 Elastic Overview & Set Up
19:05 Minor Changes
21:06 Create Index Pattern
22:26 Generate 404 Request
23:08 Visualize Logs
24:36 Conclusion
Read the doc for more information on visualizing logs (Ubuntu 18.04).
Learn more about Elastic Search.
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#AkamaiDeveloper #Apache #ELKStack
Product: Akamai, Apache, ELK Stack; @KeepItTechie