We’ve added database cluster deployments to our Marketplace. Running your database in a cluster increases performance and availability by enabling backend load balancing and fault tolerance. Built using our Ansible Collection, you can now deploy database clusters in as little as five minutes.
With support for MongoDB, MariaDB using Galera, PostgreSQL (repmgr), and Redis Sentinel, you can remove the manual process of configuring each node and deploy a highly available database cluster for production workloads. Marketplace cluster deployments provide some of the convenience of a managed service by streamlining the initial build while giving you the control to manage your clusters. Clusters incur no additional charges and only bill for the resources used.
Cluster deployments automatically configure TLS encryption for replication and client/server connections for all clusters, ensuring a default level of security with every deployment. All database clusters created through Marketplace will be three nodes, with Redis Sentinel allowing the option to create three or five nodes per cluster. We recommend selecting 8G Dedicated or Shared instances to the resource performance for Galera, Redis, and MongoDB.
Deploy a Cluster
Marketplace clusters are three-node deployments created directly from Cloud Manager. To get started:
- Sign up or log in to Cloud Manager and select Marketplace.
- Search by app or category “Databases” to locate cluster deployments for select DBs.
- Select your database and scroll down to complete the setup to provision your cluster.
- When complete, select Create Using Command Line or Create Linode.

Provisioning your cluster and installing your database takes approximately five to ten minutes to complete, and you can watch the progress through the LISH console on the first node. One VM is deployed to execute the commands from the app StackScript, which will deploy two more VMs. The first VM will join the other two and become part of the cluster.
Database Resources
- Review the documentation for MongoDB, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and Redis clusters.
- Browse database setup and administration guides.
- Learn more about Ansible with our free Try Infrastructure as Code (IaC) eBook.
- If you’re not ready to roll your own database, try our Managed Databases.
We will continue to add apps to the Marketplace using our Ansible Playbooks, providing cluster deployment support for additional databases, analytics, and monitoring tools.