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BlogLinodeNew Betas Coming to Green Light

New Betas Coming to Green Light

Blog header with text New Betas Coming to Green Light

As part of the commitment to grow Akamai cloud computing services, we have news to share. We’re working on expanding the global network including improvements to our data center build outs, updating products including object storage, and introducing new services like virtual private cloud, and serverless or functions to our roadmap.

Green Light is a product-led community program that gives developers, startups, and partners early access to news about our cloud computing services, beta access, and gives users the opportunity to give feedback directly to our product and engineering teams. Exciting things are happening on our roadmap. You can sign up for the Green Light program or for a specific release to get these benefits.

Upcoming Betas

New Core Data Centers including Washington, DC

As we look to expand the footprint across the Akamai network, the team is updating our standard data center build, including the hardware, system designs, capacity, and functionality of products available on our CPUs. You can see our expansion plans on the global-networking page to select from the full list of sites.

Object Storage Enhancements

Object storage was released in 2019 and has been rolling out across the fleet as we update our network. Based on new network efficiencies and hardware availability, we’re piloting a new build using Flash SSDs to update across committed and core sites on the roadmap. 

Virtual Private Cloud

We’re in the process of developing a virtual private cloud (VPC) service. With a VPC, you can deploy applications whose data communications are hidden and fully isolated from the view of the public internet and the other tenants. This is an extension of our networking services roadmap, which includes the 2021 release of private VLAN.

Serverless or Functions

Serverless or Functions is a managed cloud-computing service that allows developers to execute code only when needed, like in response to events. As opposed to developing and maintaining microservices, functions are intended for quick or temporary code injections that are trigger-based and execute a single function.

We’ll add more details on the product section of our website as we make progress and approach timing for beta and approach general availability. Register now for Green Light, contact our sales team, or submit product-specific feedback to learn more.


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